The Bioparc Goes to School
The Bioparc Goes to School program sends our naturalists into your classroom to offer students and teachers engaging and fascinating discovery activities. Hands-on experience with live animals is all part of the fun.
Focusing on the natural sciences, the program offers a set of unique and creative educational activities covering such topics as biodiversity, wildlife habitat, endangered species, and more.
All our activities and kits fit into the curriculum guidelines of Québec’s educational program.

Package discounts are available for schools that would like more than one activity.
* Activities available from mid-September to the end of April.
Call 418-534-1997 #102 to make a reservation.
The Bioparc Goes to School program was made possible through financial support from Telus, the Fondation de la faune du Québec and the Conseil régional de l’Environnement de la Gaspésie et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine.