The Bioparc offers an advantageous flat rate for families, follow this link for more details.
A visit to the Bioparc costs between $16.00 and $25.75 according to the age category; it is free for children 2 years old and under. Follow this link for more details.
We recommend foreseeing approximately 3 ½ hours to properly appreciate the activities offered at the Bioparc. It is possible, however, to cover the one kilometer trail more quickly if you are short on time.
No, but since it is a gravel trail, comfortable walking shoes may be better than sandals for example.
It is absolutely forbidden to touch or feed the animals at all times. It is possible, however, to manipulate certain insects and invertebrates or amphibians and reptiles as part of specific discovery activities with the naturalists. At the petting farm, however, many animals will gladly allow you to pet them.
Yes, all the trails are accessible, except for the footbridges with stairs. Do note that the trails are made of coarse gravel so certain wheelchairs with narrower wheels may have more difficulty.
The Bioparc is open to the public from the beginning of June to mid-October and at different occasions in the course of the year, notably during Spring break in March. Nevertheless, groups who have made reservations may have the benefit of a visit at any time of the year. Follow this link for more details. The Bioparc cottages are available all year long.
Apart from guide dogs who accompany the visually impaired or disabled, no animal is tolerated on the site of the Bioparc. The presence of an animal, even on a leash, could cause significant stress to the animals.
Certainly! All-terrain strollers roll better on the gravel, but the trails are accessible to all types of strollers. Only the footbridges with stairs are not accessible. We also offer stroller rentals.
The Bioparc is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. depending on the date. Click on this link fore more details. Outside of the open season (from June to October), it is possible to contact the administrative staff from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Yes, you can purchase a season pass for the price of approximately two visits! This pass gives you almost unlimited access to the site between June and October, as well as rebates on certain evening activities and rebates at our souvenir shop La Réserve. To find out more about the different rates, click here.
Yes, the restaurant La faim de loup is open from mid-June to the beginning of September. The menu proposes delicious homemade sandwiches, soups and salads.
Frequently Asked Questions – Animals
You can observe some forty indigenous animal species. Among others, the stars are the seals, otters, raccoons, porcupines, foxes, coyotes, cougars, lynx, white-tailed deer, moose and caribou, as well as marine birds, migrating birds and birds of prey. You can also refer to the animals and ecosystems section of the website to view a complete list of the animals or view a map of the site. You will also find the insectarium which has a collection of over twenty living species and numerous naturalized specimens. As for the petting farm, you can not only observe the birds and animals, but you can also touch the rabbits, goats, poneys, etc.
The Bioparc’s animals are either born in captivity or born in nature. For those coming from the wild, they have been injured or orphaned and have found refuge at the Bioparc because their condition or state of health would not allow them to survive in their natural environment. This is the case, for example, of the moose, raccoons, deer, skunk and several birds. As for the animals born in captivity, certain ones have been born at the Bioparc such as the caribou and coyotes. For the others, they come from other Canadian zoological institutions.
Since all the species present at the Bioparc are indigenous to Quebec, they are perfectly adapted to its winters. Thus, all the animals stay in their respective habitats during the cold season, as the habitats are adequately arranged to protect them from the inclement weather. There are a few exceptions, however, including the dabbling ducks and the birds. For the most part, these birds migrate south during the fall. As a result, these species don’t have the physiological adaptations required to survive in the cold so they are kept inside the animal services buildings of the Bioparc.
Certain phytophagous (herbivore) insects eat plants, namely the stick insects. Others are frugivores, like the scarab beetles, so they mostly eat oranges, apples and fruit jellies. Finally, some insects are insectivores, like the assassin bugs, and they eat crickets. Note that although the tarantulas and scorpions are insectivores, they are arachnids, not insects.
Before answering this question, we must understand what hibernation is. Observed in certain mammals during the winter, it is a period of inactivity, characterised by a decrease in body temperature and heart rate. Typical hibernators are groundhogs and certain species of bats, but at the Bioparc, there are no true hibernators. We define the black bears, skunks and raccoons as semi-hybernators, as they enter into a state of torpor during the cold season. This state of torpor is characterised by a state of light sleep accompanied by a slight decrease in body temperature and heart rate. Animals in torpor live off of their fat reserves, but they can wake up if they are disturbed by a noise or an intruder. In short, there are but a few wild groundhogs who hibernate at the Bioparc! Click here to read an article on the subject.