Sponsor your favorite animal! 

By sponsoring an animal, you support the Bioparc’s education and sensitization mission in addition to contributing to the well-being of the animals.

How to sponsor an animal

Become a godmother or godfather…

By sponsoring a Bioparc animal, you receive:

  • A fact sheet of the animal
  • A sponsorship certificate
  • A biography of the animal
  • A recognition of you on our website and on the bioparc Sponsors Bulletin Board
  • Exclusive news of the animal in video format
  • Other gifts according to the amount invested. See table below.
The assistant

$50  /year

This package includes:

  • Photo of the animal
The Guardian

$100  /year

This package includes:

  • Photo of the animal
  • Plush toy*
The Tutor

$150  /year

This package includes:

  • This package includes
  • Plush toy*
  • A pair of daily admissions
The Protector

$200  /year

This package includes:

  • Photo of the animal
  • Plush toy*
  • A pair of daily admissions
  • A Season pass

*representing the sponsored animal if available

Please note that a tax receipt is issued for payments of $100 or more paid by cash or cheque.

Form for payment with a check

School-based Sponsorship

Your class can also sponsor an animal! We have a school sponsorship program where a class can sponsor a Bioparc animal.

Your class will receive:

  • A fact sheet of the animal
  • A sponsorship certificate
  • A biography of the animal
  • A coloring page of the animal
  • A recognition of you on our website and on the Bioparc Sponsors Bulletin Board
  • Other gifts according to the amount invested. See table below.
The Assistant

$50 /year

This package includes:

  • Photo of the animal
The Guardian

$100  /year

This package includes:

  • Photo of the animal
  • Plush toy*
The Tutor

$150 /year

This package includes:

  • Photo of the animal
  • Plush toy*
  • Virtual workshop
The Protector

$200  /year

This package includes:

  • Photo of the animal
  • Plush toy*
  • Virtual workshop
  • 20% rebate on your visit to the Bioparc

*representing the sponsored animal if available

If you would like to sponsor as a class, contact us via email at sbentz@bioparc.ca or by telephone at 418-534-1997 #102.

What can my contribution be used for?

For $50

20 kilos of dry canine food destined for the wolves, foxes and coyotes, which corresponds to two weeks of food, combined with other foods, for the dozen individuals at the Bioparc.

For $100

75 kilos of herring for the seals. Puce and Hope each eat 2.5 kilos of fish per day, so just over two weeks of food.

For $150

Two indestructible “Boomer” balls for the lynx’s enrichment.

For $200

25 kilos of milk replacement specialised for young moose for 6 weeks. A young orphaned moose needs 8 to 10 weeks of milk replacement before being weaned.

Thanks to our sponsors!

Monique Cloutier
Francine Boutin
Sofia Beaudry
Daniel Tannous & Isabelle Brissette
Bruno Tourangeau
Véronique Lacombe
Marie-France Côté
Billy Bertrand
Ethan Sold
Julie Lamontagne
François-Alexandre Bourbeau

Sponsor an animal

You wish to contribute?


Did you know that the Bioparc is a non-profit organization and that it is known as a charitable organization?

Would you like to support the Bioparc in its mission to educate and raise awareness? You would like to contribute to the care and well-being of the animals? Would you like to support us in helping with rescued and orphaned animals of the wild? Several options are available. In fact, that is why a donation program, as well as a sponsorship program have been put in place. Equally, your time can be very useful so volunteer donations are also accepted!

Contact us !

Make a donation